Faculty of Mathematics. University of Santiago de Compostela Calle Lope Gómez de Marzoa s/n 15782 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
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RENFE offers a 30% discount for those attending the II Galician-Portuguese Meeting of Biometry. The offer is valid for all trains and all routes of national tour (in Spain) to travel one-way or round trip, and is not combinable with other commercial offers. Discount authorization is valid for trips made from or to Santiago de Compostela from June 28 until July 4, 2016, inclusive.
IBERIA L.A.E. referred Airline of the II GALICIAN-PORTUGUESE MEETING OF BIOMETRICS, under the agreement, will provide a 10% discount to conference attendees. To receive the discount, click on the logo Iberia or enter iberia.com Once selected rate of return, again click the "I have a promotional code" (“Tengo un código promocional”) and include discount code ENCUENTROBIOMETRIA (in capital letters), considering that trips are valid from 5 days before until 5 days after the dates of the event. Valid for flights operated by: