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Award for best communication on Applications in Health Sciences by a junior researcher

The Galician Society for the Advancement of Statistics and Operations Research (SGAPEIO) and the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE) call an award for best communication on Applications in Health Sciences among those presented at the II Galician-Portuguese Meeting of Biometry by a junior researcher. This award, 500€, is sponsored by Dirección Xeral de Saúde Pública da Consellería de Sanidade da Xunta de Galicia.

To apply the award for best communication on Applications in Health Sciences, among those presented at the II Galician-Portuguese Meeting of Biometry, in addition to the requirements of the RULES, one must send a message to the e-mail address This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it including subject "Premio BIOAPP2016-Ciencias da Saúde". The deadline is May 15.

The jury evaluates communications considering the work submitted to the meeting, as well as the presentation made during the special session of communications for candidates for the award.

Members of the jury:

  • Russell Alpizar Jara. Universidade de Évora – Presidente.
  • Raquel Menezes. Universidade do Minho.
  • Maria Eduarda Silva. Universidade do Porto.
  • Wenceslao González Manteiga. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
  • José Antonio Vilar Fernández. Universidade da Coruña.
Award for best communication on Applications in Ecology and Environmental Sciences by a junior researcher

The Galician Society for the Advancement of Statistics and Operations Research (SGAPEIO) and the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE) call an award for best communication on Ecology and Environmental Sciences among those presented at the II Galician-Portuguese Meeting of Biometry by a junior researcher. This award, 500€, is sponsored by Cátedra Luis de Camoens Universidad Carlos III de Madrid-Banco de Santander.

To apply the award for best communication on Applications in Ecology and Environmental Sciences, among those presented at the II Galician-Portuguese Meeting of Biometry, in addition to the requirements of the RULES, one must send a message to the e-mail address This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it including subject "Premio BIOAPP2016-Ecoloxía‐Medio Ambiente". The deadline is May 15.

The jury evaluates communications considering the work submitted to the meeting, as well as the presentation made during the special session of communications for candidates for the award.

Members of the jury:

  • Rosa Crujeiras Casais. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - Presidenta.
  • Ricardo Cao Abad. Universidade da Coruña.
  • Javier Roca Pardiñas. Universidade de Vigo.
  • Antónia Turkman. Universidade de Lisboa.
  • Carlos Daniel Paulino. Universidade de Lisboa.
aw Award to the best posters presentation

The SGAPEIO and SPE give two awards to the best posters presented at II Galician-Portuguese Meeting of Biometry. The amounts of the first and second awards are 300€ and 200€, respectively, being both sponsored by Asociación Galega de Cooperativas Agroalimentarias (AGACA).

All posters presented at the II Meeting of Biometry compete for awards, unless the authors of the poster must inform the organization committee. The beneficiary of the prize will be the only author or the first author of communication. The evaluation committee classifies the communications taking into account not only submitted work, but also the poster presented in the poster session. The announcement of the winners of the two awards and the award ceremony will take place during the dinner meeting.

Ordering method for the works candidates to the award
Acces to the document that explain the ordering method for the works candidates to the award.

Award works

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